Since 1963, when the Italian municipality of Reggio Emilia began setting up its network of educational services for 0-6 year olds, the 'Reggio Approach' has gained worldwide recognition. Numerous visitors have been impressed by the acknowledgement given to the potential of children, the organisation and quality of the environments created, the promotion of collegiality and a climate of co-participation of families in the educational project.
Since 1963, when the Italian municipality of Reggio Emilia began setting up its network of educational services for 0-6 year olds, the 'Reggio Approac...
The quality of children's experiences, and the engagement of their parents, particularly in these early years, is critical to better outcomes that will impact on the child right into adolescence and adulthood. While we have done much to expand quantity, we also must keep working on quality. This book is a key tool for both practitioners delivering services and managers designing and commissioning them. - Naomi Eisenstadt, Director, Sure Start Unit, Department for Education and Skills Birth to Three Matters is essential reading for anyone involved in providing care and education or developing...
The quality of children's experiences, and the engagement of their parents, particularly in these early years, is critical to better outcomes that wil...