The Cold War dominated world history for nearly half a century, locking two superpowers in a global rivalry that only ended with the Soviet collapse. The most decisive moments of twentieth-century diplomacy occurred when world leaders met face to face--from the mishandled summit in Munich, 1938, which brought on the Second World War, to Ronald Reagan's remarkable chemistry with Mikhail Gorbachev at Geneva in 1985. In Summits, eminent diplomatic historian David Reynolds takes us alongside the statesmen who stood, if only briefly, on top of the world, offering valuable lessons as we find...
The Cold War dominated world history for nearly half a century, locking two superpowers in a global rivalry that only ended with the Soviet collapse. ...
David K. Reynolds vyučuje profesionální psychoterapeuty. Jeho útlá a zásadní kniha Konstruktivní život nabízí spirituální alternativu přístupu ke každodenním událostem. Učí člověka soustředit se na vlastní pocity a ve všech příjemných i těžkých chvílích odhalit duchovní principy k pochopení skrytých příčin. Tato kniha vám umožní, abyste vyhrávali ve spletité hře, kterou představuje život. V návaznosti na japonskou terapii morita dává navíc jedinečný návod, jak se zbavit strachu a nasměrovat svůj život do pozitivní budoucnosti.Zralý...
David K. Reynolds vyučuje profesionální psychoterapeuty. Jeho útlá a zásadní kniha Konstruktivní život nabízí spirituální alternativu př...
A Wolfson Prize-winning historian offers his take on American history. A companion to David Reynolds' BBC Radio Four radio series, the book looks closely at how values and ideas have been fought over and ultimately shaped the country.
A Wolfson Prize-winning historian offers his take on American history. A companion to David Reynolds' BBC Radio Four radio series, the book looks clos...
The 1940s was probably the most dramatic and decisive decade of the 20th century. This volume explores the Second World War and the origins of the Cold War from the vantage point of two of the great powers of that era, Britain and the USA, and of their wartime leaders, Churchill and Roosevelt. It also looks at their chequered relations with Stalin and at how the Grand Alliance crumbled into an undesired Cold War. But this is not simply a story of top-level diplomacy. David Reynolds explores the social and cultural implications of the wartime Anglo-American alliance, particularly the impact of...
The 1940s was probably the most dramatic and decisive decade of the 20th century. This volume explores the Second World War and the origins of the Col...
This volume reviews the reseach in the field of school effectiveness and improvement. Many key questions are examined, such as different methods for assessing school effectiveness and variations in examination attainment in schools. It draws together the funding of the programmes of improvement being implemented in schools and provides practical discussion of effective school practice and its direct implications in schools. It is aimed at teachers, student teachers, administrators and advisors. The contributors are: Bill Badger, Louise S. Balkey, Bert P.M. Creemers, Carol T. Fitz-Gibbon,...
This volume reviews the reseach in the field of school effectiveness and improvement. Many key questions are examined, such as different methods for a...
Suitable for undergraduate courses in British History, International History and International Relations. Since its publication in 1991 Britannia Overruled has established itself as the pre-eminent overview of 20th century British foreign policy. It brings together the often separated histories of diplomacy, defence, economics and empire in a provocative reinterpretation of British 'decline'. It also offers a broader reflection on the nature of international power and the mechanisms of policymaking. *NEW - Looks at the impact of Europe and the Euro. *NEW - Looks at the 'Disunited' Kingdom....
Suitable for undergraduate courses in British History, International History and International Relations. Since its publication in 1991 Britannia Over...
In 'The Long Shadow', David Reynolds seeks to redress our opinions on the Great War by exploring the true impact of 1914-18 on the 20th century. He posits that some of the Great War's legacies were negative and pernicious but others proved transformative in a positive sense.
In 'The Long Shadow', David Reynolds seeks to redress our opinions on the Great War by exploring the true impact of 1914-18 on the 20th century. He po...
Sedm příběhů pro děti, které ví, že věci nejsou jen obyčejné předměty. Právě takové děti totiž můžou spatřit Dušinku, vílu věcí, a spolu s ní zažít nečekaná dobrodružství třeba uprostřed nákupu vyskládaného na kuchyňské lince, na neposluš¬ném oblaku z vyšlehaných bílků nebo na ledem pokryté klouzačce v obývacím pokoji.
Příběhy napsala Ester Stará, autorka oceněných knih pro děti A pak se to stalo! a Chrochtík a Kvikalka na cestě za blýskavým prasátkem a ilustrovala přední česká výtvarnice Lucie Dvořáková.
Sedm příběhů pro děti, které ví, že věci nejsou jen obyčejné předměty. Právě takové děti totiž můžou spatřit Dušinku, vílu věc...
Prophecy: From Now On... A Layman's guide to Bible prophecy is an Everyman's guide. Scriptures are written out, not merely referenced. Print is B&W and eBook has full color charts, graphs and images. A direct read (literal) is used to understand the Bible, just like any other book. This book takes a futurist approach and is pre-tribulational and pre-millennial in its approach.
Prophecy: From Now On... A Layman's guide to Bible prophecy is an Everyman's guide. Scriptures are written out, not merely referenced. Print is B&W an...