Are you thinking about returning to university to do a research degree? Do you have concerns about balancing your career with your studies? How can you maximise your learning, and ultimately your career prospects, through the choices you make now and during your research degree? If these questions resonate with thoughts you are having, then this book can help. It is written to answer the specific needs and concerns of those who return to study at research degree level during their career and as a part of their own professional and personal development.
The book provides practical guidance...
Are you thinking about returning to university to do a research degree? Do you have concerns about balancing your career with your studies? How can yo...
Autism is a complex and often puzzling disorder in which pinning down a set of rules surrounding the teaching of children with it is almost impossible to do. Many theories and approaches claim to have the solution to teaching, yet few provide the answers when an autistic child goes against the status quo.
Autism and Learning addresses this problem with a principled approach that is based on the understanding of the pedagogy and psychology of autism. It shows how theory can influence practice and sets out a cognitive view of the relationship between learning and...
Autism is a complex and often puzzling disorder in which pinning down a set of rules surrounding the teaching of children with it is almost impossi...