Osvědčení autoři fantastických příběhů (mj. slavných Kronik Světakraje) se tentokrát zaměřili na menší čtenáře, zhruba od osmi let. Jejich trojice knih, z níž každá má svého statečného hrdinu zažívajícího dobrodružství v dalekém, předalekém kouzelném světě, je plná fantazie, magie, neobyčejných tvorů, důvtipných mechanických vynálezů a samozřejmě půvabných ilustrací Chrise Riddella. Vypravte se spolu s neohroženou Klárkou na Dalkrétské pobřeží, které je domovem tura počtáře, roztančeného čuníka a rozchechtané kozy! Nacpěte...
Osvědčení autoři fantastických příběhů (mj. slavných Kronik Světakraje) se tentokrát zaměřili na menší čtenáře, zhruba od osmi let....
Osvědčení autoři fantastických příběhů (mj. slavných Kronik Světakraje) se tentokrát zaměřili na menší čtenáře, zhruba od 7 let. Jejich trojice knih, z níž každá má svého statečného hrdinu zažívajícího dobrodružství v dalekém, předalekém kouzelném světě, je plná fantazie, magie a samozřejmě půvabných ilustrací Chrise Riddella.Vydejte se spolu s Fergusem na úžasnou výpravu do Smaragdového moře! Vychutnejte si, jak zachrání své spolužáky ze spárů zběsilého zločince! Sledujte se zatajeným dechem, jak čelí v podzemí strašlivému...
Osvědčení autoři fantastických příběhů (mj. slavných Kronik Světakraje) se tentokrát zaměřili na menší čtenáře, zhruba od 7 let. Je...
Joe Jefferson is an ordinary schoolboy from ordinary Earth. At least, he was. But something strange happened when he was walking his dog, and now he is Joe the Barbarian - fearless warrior-hero, summoned by Muddle Earth's leading wizard to slay ogres, wrestle dragons and bravely confront villains.
Joe Jefferson is an ordinary schoolboy from ordinary Earth. At least, he was. But something strange happened when he was walking his dog, and now he i...
A mysterious flying box appears at the window of Fregus Crane's quayside home and Fergus is plunged headlong into an exciting adventure when the box is followed by a winged horse that whisks him off to his long lost uncle and a mission to rescue his father. Ages 7-9 years.
A mysterious flying box appears at the window of Fregus Crane's quayside home and Fergus is plunged headlong into an exciting adventure when the box i...
Corby Flood and her family are about to set sail on the rather ramshackle cruise ship, the SS Euphonia. As the ship arrives at its destination, Corby must enlist the help of some very well moustachioed locals to uncover the contents of the crate, and the dark secrets of the menacing Clowns.
Corby Flood and her family are about to set sail on the rather ramshackle cruise ship, the SS Euphonia. As the ship arrives at its destination, Corby ...
The first book of the Quint Saga that begins the bestselling Edge Chronicles series. Welcome to a world like no other. Welcome to the Edge.
Built high atop a floating rock, the great city of Sanctaphrax is bound to the ground below by a chain, its inhabitants living with their heads literally in the clouds.
But the city hides a dangerous secret: deep inside the great rock, something horrible is lurking. Quint, the son of a legendary sky pirate captain, may now be the only one who can save the Edge from the curse of the gloamglozer.
The first book of the Quint Saga that begins the bestselling Edge Chronicles series. Welcome to a world like no other. Welcome t...
The second book of the Quint Saga, part of the bestselling Edge Chronicles series. Freezing cold. Bitter rivalries. Welcome to the Edge.
As the Floating City of Sanctaphrax strains to break free of its tether, ancient feuds threaten to tear its people apart.
What can Quint, a young squire of the Knights Academy, do to avert disaster? On his own, nothing. But with the help of a band of loyal friends he might just be able to loosen the grip of the city's never-ending winter.
The second book of the Quint Saga, part of the bestselling Edge Chronicles series. Freezing cold. Bitter rivalries. Welcome to t...
The fabulously exciting and wonderfully illustrated finale to the Quint sequence - and the penultimate book in the Edge Chronicles.
Quint is travelling with his father, Wind Jackal, on a mission to track down and bring to justice Turbot Smeal, the man who started the fire that killed their family. Having left behind his studies at the Knights Academy, Quint is now eager to learn what it really means to be a sky pirate and to learn from his father. But Wind Jackal is consumed by his desire to capture Smeal -- and his judgement is flawed. His actions endangers the lives of...
The fabulously exciting and wonderfully illustrated finale to the Quint sequence - and the penultimate book in the Edge Chronicles. ...
This is the story of struggles against management regimes in the car industry in Britain from the period after the Second World War until the contemporary regime of lean production. Told from the viewpoint of the workers, the book chronicles how workers responded to a variety of management and union strategies, from piece rate working, through measured day work, and eventually to lean production beginning in the late 1980s. The book focuses on two companies, Vauxhall-GM and Rover/BMW, and how they developed their approaches to managing labour relations. Worker responses to these are...
This is the story of struggles against management regimes in the car industry in Britain from the period after the Second World War until the contempo...
Novels from top authors and illustrators with the variety children need to develop a love of reading! TreeTops Fiction contains a wide range of quality stories enabling children to explore and develop their own reading tastes and interests. It contains stories from a variety of genres including humour, sci-fi, adventure, mystery and historical fiction. These exciting stories are ideal for introducing children to a wide selection of authors and illustrators. There is huge variety to ensure every reader finds books they will enjoy and can read. Books contain inside cover notes to support...
Novels from top authors and illustrators with the variety children need to develop a love of reading! TreeTops Fiction contains a wide range of qualit...