In today's society, people and organisations increasingly undergo processes of transition. Experiences of change affect all areas of life: our jobs, relationships, status, communities, engagement in civil society, lifestyles, even understandings of our own identity. Each person must expect and make ready for transitions, engaging in learning as a fundamental strategy for handling change. This is where lifelong learning steps in. From career guidance to third age programmes, from 'learning to learn' in kindergarten to MBA, from Mozart for babies to gender re-assignment counselling, people...
In today's society, people and organisations increasingly undergo processes of transition. Experiences of change affect all areas of life: our jobs...
By tracking the lives of over 120 adults from across Britain and undertaking 528 in-depth interviews, asking people about their life histories and the place of learning in their lives, the authors have come to the conclusion that learning means and does much more in peoples' lives than is acknowledged by current education policy and politics.
By tracking the lives of over 120 adults from across Britain and undertaking 528 in-depth interviews, asking people about their life histories and the...
Psycholinguistics is an authoritative, wide-ranging and up-to-date A to Z guide to this important field. Cross-referenced, with suggestions for further reading and a full index, this book is a highly accessible introduction to the main terms and concepts in psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics offers over 170 entries covering the key areas:
psychological processes
first language acquisition
the nature of language
brain and language
language disorders.
This comprehensive guide is an essential resource for all...
Psycholinguistics is an authoritative, wide-ranging and up-to-date A to Z guide to this important field. Cross-referenced, with suggestion...
Routledge English Language Introductions cover core areas of language study and are one-stop resources for students. Assuming no prior knowledge, books in the series offer an accessible overview of the subject, with activities, study questions, commentaries and key readings - all in the same volume. The innovative and flexible 'two-dimensional' structure is built around four sections - introduction, development, exploration and extension - which offer self-contained stages for study. Each topic can also be read across these sections, enabling the reader to build gradually on...
Routledge English Language Introductions cover core areas of language study and are one-stop resources for students. Assuming no prior ...
In today's society, people and organisations increasingly undergo processes of transition. Experiences of change affect all areas of life: our jobs, relationships, status, communities, engagement in civil society, lifestyles, even understandings of our own identity. Each person must expect and make ready for transitions, engaging in learning as a fundamental strategy for handling change. This is where lifelong learning steps in. From career guidance to third age programmes, from 'learning to learn' in kindergarten to MBA, from Mozart for babies to gender re-assignment counselling, people...
In today's society, people and organisations increasingly undergo processes of transition. Experiences of change affect all areas of life: our jobs...
Field's Nocturnes & Other Short Piano Pieces are published within the 'Signature' Series, a series of authoritative performing editions of standard keyboard works, prepared from original sources by leading scholars. Includes informative introductions and performance notes.
Field's Nocturnes & Other Short Piano Pieces are published within the 'Signature' Series, a series of authoritative performing editions of standard ke...