John M. Levis (Iowa State University) Tracey M. Derwing (Simon Fraser Universi Murray J. Munro (Simon Fraser University
Inspired by Murray Munro and Tracey Derwing's 1995 seminal study of intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness, this book revisits the insights of their original research and presents subsequent studies extending this work to new ways of understanding second language speech. By rejecting the nativeness approach upon which previous pronunciation research and teaching were built, Munro and Derwing's paper became the catalyst for a new paradigm of pronunciation and speech research and teaching. For the first time, pronunciation researchers had an empirically-motivated set of dimensions...
Inspired by Murray Munro and Tracey Derwing's 1995 seminal study of intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness, this book revisits the insig...