Meet Ashraf and his 'Habibti' - his daughter Shazia. He's an Egyptian, Muslim taxi driver; she's half- Egyptian, half-Wiganese, and more interested in the last call at the bar than the call to prayer. Habibti Driver is a heartwarming and hilarious play, based on Shamia Chalabi's real-life experiences and co-written with Sarah Henley, exploring the clashes, compromises and comedy that come with living in a mixed-culture family in today's Britain. First performed in an earlier version - Burkas and Bacon Butties - at the VAULT Festival, London, this revised, full-length version premiered at the...
Meet Ashraf and his 'Habibti' - his daughter Shazia. He's an Egyptian, Muslim taxi driver; she's half- Egyptian, half-Wiganese, and more interested in...