Join Rosie, Ren and Gran as they spot spring flowers, discover what grows in a greenhouse and taste the delicious foods that come from plants. Strawberries, blueberries, peas and carrots ...YUM! This activity book is the perfect first introduction to the marvellous things that grow just outside our back door. With delightful illustrations by the much-loved Clair Rossiter and plenty of activities that link to the national curriculum for Key Stage 1, entertain little nature lovers by making paper flowers, creating a bee hotel and even baking a delicious apple cake. Produced in...
Join Rosie, Ren and Gran as they spot spring flowers, discover what grows in a greenhouse and taste the delicious foods that come from plants. Strawbe...
Discover London with a book packed full of information, fun facts, city secrets and things to spot, along with activity sheets and maps, plus a clipboard. All you need for a day out in London! Discover the capital's amazing history and spot all the major sights, from the Tower of London to Buckingham Palace, while learning some of London's best kept secrets. With things to see and do at each key landmark, along with fun puzzles, games and activities, this has everything you need for an unforgettable, fun-filled trip.
Discover London with a book packed full of information, fun facts, city secrets and things to spot, along with activity sheets and maps, plus a clipbo...