Jacee Cho (University of Wisconsin-Madis Michael Iverson (Indiana University) Tiffany Judy (Wake Forest University)
This volume presents a range of studies testing some of the latest models and hypotheses in the field of second/third language acquisition, such as the Bottleneck Hypothesis (Slabakova, 2008, 2016), the Scalpel Model (Slabakova, 2017), and the Interface Hypothesis (Sorace & Serratrice, 2009) to name a few. The studies explore a variety of linguistic properties (e.g., functional morphology, linguistic properties at the syntax-discourse interface) by focusing on distinct populations (L2 acquisition, L3/LN acquisition, Heritage Speakers), while also considering the links between experimental...
This volume presents a range of studies testing some of the latest models and hypotheses in the field of second/third language acquisition, such as th...
Sara Fernandez Cuenca (Wake Forest Unive Tiffany Judy (Wake Forest University) Lauren Miller (Wake Forest University)
This volume presents research from across the subdisciplines of Hispanic Linguistics in an attempt to showcase how new research methods, together with a renewed focus on language variation, have advanced our field. This volume is divided into three sections of original research, with the first describing regional variation of Spanish, the second synchronic variation, and the third learner profile variation. Such nuanced descriptions and analyses would not be possible without new variationist research methods and big-data techniques such as the use of online corpora and data reduction...
This volume presents research from across the subdisciplines of Hispanic Linguistics in an attempt to showcase how new research methods, together with...