Part comedy, part thriller, part social critique, The Granny and the Heist (La estanquera de Vallecas) is the play with which Jose Luis Alonso de Santos reinvigorated the Spanish stage during a period of uncertainty upon the death of Francisco Franco and the end of theatre censorship. Premiered in 1981, it established Alonso de Santos as the most important playwright in Spain at a time when the country was emerging from decades of relative isolation from the rest of Europe. Set in a working class area of Madrid, the play tells the story of Leandro and Tocho, two out of work builders whose...
Part comedy, part thriller, part social critique, The Granny and the Heist (La estanquera de Vallecas) is the play with which Jose Luis Alonso de Sant...
Part comedy, part thriller, part social critique, The Granny and the Heist (La estanquera de Vallecas) is the play with which Jose Luis Alonso de Santos reinvigorated the Spanish stage during a period of uncertainty upon the death of Francisco Franco and the end of theatre censorship. Premiered in 1981, it established Alonso de Santos as the most important playwright in Spain at a time when the country was emerging from decades of relative isolation from the rest of Europe. Set in a working class area of Madrid, the play tells the story of Leandro and Tocho, two out of work builders whose...
Part comedy, part thriller, part social critique, The Granny and the Heist (La estanquera de Vallecas) is the play with which Jose Luis Alonso de Sant...