This fourth collection of poems explores the life of a beloved brother Chris through the eyes of his sister. We are introduced to his childhood of potential and tension, his passionate mother and disciplinarian father. We learn of the relationship between brother and sister as his years unfold, his hard working life, his understanding of and care for the marginalized, restless impulses, struggle to find personal meaning and dignity. After the sudden death of his mother Chris's experimenting with drugs results in a battle between his desperate desire to stay clean and in control of his life...
This fourth collection of poems explores the life of a beloved brother Chris through the eyes of his sister. We are introduced to his childhood of ...
This fifth collection of poems continues to explore the themes first introduced in ACE RAIDER OF THE UNFATHOMABLE UNIVERSE, which center on the life of a beloved brother Chris as seen through the eyes of his sister. We sense this shy man's independent spirit, struggles to conform to society's dictates, and follow him through back breaking jobs, an impossible work ethic, the downward spiral of drugs he wrestles to contain after the sudden death of his passionate mother. While addressing serious issues these poems celebrate life in all its joy, sadness and complexity
This fifth collection of poems continues to explore the themes first introduced in ACE RAIDER OF THE UNFATHOMABLE UNIVERSE, which center on the lif...