63 collectable cards from Magic The Gathering(c) split into nine groups of seven cards. Nine short stories in which characters resemble those from traditional fairy tales and at the same time are different from the literature known to us. Nine short stories created and inspired by the same writer.Could a collection of fairy tales hide a form or a pre-planned order? To what extent the irrational emotions of human creativity become a clear and symmetrical structure?The reading of The Castle of Crossed Destinies (1973) by Italo Calvino was my first introduction to combinatorial writing and its...
63 collectable cards from Magic The Gathering(c) split into nine groups of seven cards. Nine short stories in which characters resemble those from tra...
63 carte collezionabili di Magic L'Adunanza(c) divise in nove gruppi di sette carte. Nove storie i cui personaggi sembrano simili alle fiabe tradizionali e allo stesso tempo appaiono diversi dalla nostra realta letteraria. Nove storie generate e ispirate dalla stessa penna.Puo una collezione di fiabe nascondere una forma e ordine pre-pianificata? A che punto le emozioni irrazionali della creativita umana diventano uno schema simmetrico ed intelligibile?La lettura de Il Castello dei Destini Incrociati (1973) di Italo Calvino e stata una mia prima introduzione alla letteratura combinatoria e...
63 carte collezionabili di Magic L'Adunanza(c) divise in nove gruppi di sette carte. Nove storie i cui personaggi sembrano simili alle fiabe tradizion...
When a note about the French writer Arthur De Gobineau lands on Daniel's desk, he does not realise it will be the start of a long and perilous journey that will take him from Europe to the Middle East in search of the birthplace of human civilisation. With the help of his travelling companions, Daniel will have to fight a merciless enemy on the same search as his. A faceless enemy whose evil power could soon expand beyond every one's imagination. "Arya" is an adventure story about history, science and maybe even religion. It is a story about the hidden power of an icon and how its meaning has...
When a note about the French writer Arthur De Gobineau lands on Daniel's desk, he does not realise it will be the start of a long and perilous journey...