Quantum many-body theories have become an essential tool for all physicists. This book presents a systematic and pedagogical approach to the coupled cluster method, correlated basis function theory and Monte Carlo methods. It also discusses hyprid procedures that can build even further upon the huge strengths and great advantages of each theory.
Quantum many-body theories have become an essential tool for all physicists. This book presents a systematic and pedagogical approach to the coupled c...
Quantum many-body theories have become an essential tool for all physicists. The field is interdisciplinary, predicting the properties of macroscopic matter based on the fundamental interactions between the elementary constituents. This book presents a systematic and pedagogical approach to the coupled cluster method, correlated basis function theory and Monte Carlo methods. These topics are widely recognized and provide the most powerful and widely applicable theories of all available formulations of QMBT. As the future evolution of QMBT depends to a large measure on establishing links...
Quantum many-body theories have become an essential tool for all physicists. The field is interdisciplinary, predicting the properties of macroscopic ...
Nowadays philosophy is characterized by such heterogeneous intellectual practices that its very unity and coherence seem endangered. What is especially disconcerting is that most authors manage to largely ignore the very existence of methodological positions radically different from their own. Fortunately, there have been exceptions, and the present volume focuses on one of them: the failed debate that took place between John Searle and Jacques Derrida. This book thoroughly analyses that exchange, contextualizing it within the respective philosophical traditions of the two thinkers, with the...
Nowadays philosophy is characterized by such heterogeneous intellectual practices that its very unity and coherence seem endangered. What is especiall...