A tale that blurs the lines between dream and reality, fairytale and history, love and obsession.
All his life, Charlie Oliver has watched the people around him morph into creatures that no one else sees. Unlike the rest of the world, Charlie remembers the Waters that transport him to the Dream World each night. And he sees glimpses of people's Dream forms in the waking world. Condemned to spend his waking hours in a psychiatric facility because of his Dream Sight, Charlie doesn't expect anything to change. But everything starts changing, the day Emma Talbot walks through the door...
A tale that blurs the lines between dream and reality, fairytale and history, love and obsession.
You waded into the Waters and caught a glimpse of the Dream World. Now immerse yourself and discover what lies beyond the trees.
Recently released from a psychiatric facility after learning that his Dream Sight is not a delusion but a gift, Charlie Oliver sets off to accept an invitation extended by a powerful Dark creature and potential mentor to join his "family" of Sighted individuals. As his demon guides begin to instruct him, Charlie quickly discovers just how little he actually knows about the Dream World and the creatures who inhabit it.
While Charlie stumbles...
You waded into the Waters and caught a glimpse of the Dream World. Now immerse yourself and discover what lies beyond the trees.