Cursive is not just a fancy form of handwriting. More than the loops and twists, it is about connectivity and continuity of thoughts. It is about the left and right parts of the brain working together to improve both low-level and high-level skills. Low-level skills pertain to spelling, handwriting and grammar. Meanwhile, high-level skills involve organization of thought and writing strategy. Encourage your kids to practice cursive today
Cursive is not just a fancy form of handwriting. More than the loops and twists, it is about connectivity and continuity of thoughts. It is about the ...
When addition is taken as boring and too difficult, it's time to introduce this workbook to your second grader There is no room for lengthy explanations in this book. Its contents are direct to the point. Your child will need to do the exercises but on his/her pace. There is no time pressure and errors are welcome as long as lessons are learned. Grab a copy today
When addition is taken as boring and too difficult, it's time to introduce this workbook to your second grader There is no room for lengthy explanati...
Make subtraction fun through this wonderful activity book Inside are exercises that are appropriate for kindergarteners. By making the activities doable, you are encouraging your child's "I can do this " attitude. This is the attitude that your child should have in order to learn the most lessons and advance ahead of his/her peers. Grab a copy now
Make subtraction fun through this wonderful activity book Inside are exercises that are appropriate for kindergarteners. By making the activities doa...
This workbook makes addition fun and easy. The reason is because the pages are filled with age-appropriate examples that facilitate learning and the easy absorption of information, too. After all, learning math is all about mastery through trial and error. Work on the exercises in this book for as long as you like. Only stop when errors are no longer committed. Grab a copy now
This workbook makes addition fun and easy. The reason is because the pages are filled with age-appropriate examples that facilitate learning and the e...
What is 106 x 96? Because this involves several-digit multipliers, the solution will not come as easy as 2 x 2. Math is a progressive concept so it increases in difficulty as the child gets a level higher. So in order to prepare a child, examples should be made age-appropriate and challenging just like those presented in this workbook. Grab a copy now
What is 106 x 96? Because this involves several-digit multipliers, the solution will not come as easy as 2 x 2. Math is a progressive concept so it in...