Charlie Karlsson Charlotte Silander Daniel Silander
Political Entrepreneurship explores the role of political entrepreneurs in regional growth and entrepreneurial diversity. The authors define a political entrepreneur as a politician, bureaucrat or officer within the publicly funded sector who encourages entrepreneurship for growth and employment using innovative approaches. This book aims to enrich the established research on entrepreneurship with in-depth knowledge of the conditions conducive for political entrepreneurship in Sweden.
Political Entrepreneurship explores the role of political entrepreneurs in regional growth and entrepreneurial diversity. The authors define a politic...
Charlie Karlsson Charlotte Silander Daniel Silander
The recent economic crisis has had severe and negative impacts on the EU over the last decade. This book focuses on a neglected dimension by examining European political entrepreneurship in times of economic crisis with particular emphasis on EU member-states, institutions and policies. Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe examines the role that the political entrepreneur can play in promoting entrepreneurship and growth. The book includes an actor and a structure perspective by focussing on politicians and institutions within the public sector that use innovative...
The recent economic crisis has had severe and negative impacts on the EU over the last decade. This book focuses on a neglected dimension by examining...
This timely and engaging book explores the role of European political entrepreneurship in debating, shaping and implementing the Europe 2020 strategy. Insightful chapters analyse the content, conditions and consequences of Europe 2020, investigating the plan for a future prosperous EU economy. Focussing on how European political entrepreneurship functions in times of crisis, Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth considers these crises as potential windows of opportunity. The expert contributors highlight how the 2020 strategy has been debated, decided on, and then implemented from a...
This timely and engaging book explores the role of European political entrepreneurship in debating, shaping and implementing the Europe 2020 strategy....
This book expertly analyses European political entrepreneurship in relation to the EU's approach towards the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development strategy. It explores the role of European political entrepreneurs in shaping, influencing and realising sustainable development goals (SDGs). Leading contributors consider political entrepreneurship at an international level, explaining how European political entrepreneurs act and interact in order to promote their policies at various levels of governance. Focusing on how EU politicians, public servants and bureaucrats create new and innovative...
This book expertly analyses European political entrepreneurship in relation to the EU's approach towards the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development strat...