This book reconstructs the late Anglo-Saxon history of the church of Worcester, covering the period between Bishops WA rferth and Wulfstan II. Starting with an examination of the episcopal succession and the relations between bishops and cathedral community, the volume moves on to consider the development of the church of Worcester's landed estate, its extent and its organization. These are analysed in connection with the very significant measures taken in the eleventh century to preserve - and sometimes manipulate - the memory of past land transactions. Of paramount importance among such...
This book reconstructs the late Anglo-Saxon history of the church of Worcester, covering the period between Bishops WA rferth and Wulfstan II. Startin...
This is the first major study of the interplay between Latin and Germanic vernaculars in early medieval records. Building on previous work on the uses of the written word in the early Middle Ages, which has dispelled the myth that this was an age of ‘orality’, the contributions in this volume bring to the fore the crucial question of language choice in the documentary cultures of early medieval societies. Specifically, they examine the interactions between Latin and Germanic vernaculars in the Anglo-Saxon and eastern Frankish worlds and in neighbouring areas. The chapters are underpinned...
This is the first major study of the interplay between Latin and Germanic vernaculars in early medieval records. Building on previous work on the uses...