Many applications process high volumes of streaming data, among them Internet traffic analysis, financial tickers, and transaction log mining. In general, a data stream is an unbounded data set that is produced incrementally over time, rather than being available in full before its processing begins. In this lecture, we give an overview of recent research in stream processing, ranging from answering simple queries on high-speed streams to loading real-time data feeds into a streaming warehouse for off-line analysis. We will discuss two types of systems for end-to-end stream processing:...
Many applications process high volumes of streaming data, among them Internet traffic analysis, financial tickers, and transaction log mining. In gene...
Data profiling refers to the activity of collecting data about data, {i.e.}, metadata. Most IT professionals and researchers who work with data have engaged in data profiling, at least informally, to understand and explore an unfamiliar dataset or to determine whether a new dataset is appropriate for a particular task at hand. Data profiling results are also important in a variety of other situations, including query optimization, data integration, and data cleaning. Simple metadata are statistics, such as the number of rows and columns, schema and datatype information, the number of distinct...
Data profiling refers to the activity of collecting data about data, {i.e.}, metadata. Most IT professionals and researchers who work with data have e...