A small Southern, Gulf Coast town begins to spiral downward after a solar flare causes a massive blackout, leaving residents stunned and unprepared. But the loss of power is only the beginning. In the chaos that follows, one ordinary man embarks on a journey of survival in this vastly different world.
An ordinary man helplessly watches the world around him begin to breakdown after a massive Solar Flare cripples much of the planet's power grids. As planes fall from the sky, cars suddenly die, and most electrical devices stop working all with catastrophic consequences. While the...
A small Southern, Gulf Coast town begins to spiral downward after a solar flare causes a massive blackout, leaving residents stunned and unprepared...
Life in a remote oceanfront town begins to spiral downward after a massive solar flare causes a global blackout. As planes fall from the sky, cars suddenly die, and most electrical devices stop working with catastrophic consequences. But the loss of electrical power is just the first of the problems facing the survivors. In the chaos, that follows. An ordinary man helplessly watches the world around him begin to breakdown. While the thin veneer of normalcy stubbornly shrouds the coming collapse. Scott Montgomery discovers the truth; not just about the extent of damage to the world's...
Life in a remote oceanfront town begins to spiral downward after a massive solar flare causes a global blackout. As planes fall from the sky, cars ...