Drawing on Pope John Paul's extensive theological and ethical writings this important book explores the status of people with profound intellectual disabilities who some regard simply as 'non-acting'. This book demonstrates that all human beings, whatever their situations or capacities, are acting persons made in the image of God and that all principles whether from Catholic Social Teaching or from Pope John Paul's Theology of the Body apply to every human being as much as to any other. The book also considers liberation theologies of disability and the Pope's reflections on suffering as well...
Drawing on Pope John Paul's extensive theological and ethical writings this important book explores the status of people with profound intellectual di...
This important book is about a particularly rich harvest, saints with disabilities, God's wild flowers. St Therese of Lisieux speaks of God's living garden made of a great variety of flowers. People with disabilities are often on the margins and some find it hard to find their place in a Church that is often seen as emphasizing perfection. This book tells the stories of 141 saints and blessed, some well known and some less well known. All of them had disabilities or long term conditions ranging from cancer, physical disability to mental frailty, depression and learning difficulties. None of...
This important book is about a particularly rich harvest, saints with disabilities, God's wild flowers. St Therese of Lisieux speaks of God's living g...