The story takes place during the late 1980's into the 90's within various towns in Long Island, N.Y. and is based on the lives of Jermaine and Derrik who against their mothers wishes and struggles fall victim to a life of crime and self-destruction.
Both young men evolve into streetwise teens, with new identities, (Derrik "Infinite," Jermaine "Blaze"), and within a few yrs become major players in the street scene. Through Knowledge a cat that Inifinite became acquainted with in the slammer they link up with him and his brother Knowledge Knowledge, and members of a crew called...
The story takes place during the late 1980's into the 90's within various towns in Long Island, N.Y. and is based on the lives of Jermaine and Derr...
Love Don't Live Here, the first book from a generational series. A story about two young women in their early 20's and takes place during the early 1970's into the 80's.
Barbara loves her boyfriend Trini dearly but finds out the hard way when he leaves her while she's six months pregnant, that love is not always what it seems. Having to raise their son Jermaine by herself poses to be a great task.
Like Barbara, Beverly also becomes a single mother but through different circumstances. Her boyfriend Malik, a conscious young man in his early 20's and is a member of the...
Love Don't Live Here, the first book from a generational series. A story about two young women in their early 20's and takes place during the early...