Sword against scimitar at sea The expulsion of the Moors from Iberia following the victory of the Catholic monarchs King Ferdinand of Castile and Queen Isabella of Aragon in 1492 heralded a new age. Now there was a clear line between the Christian European world and the Orient of Islam. The void that separated these perpetually warring cultures was the Mediterranean Sea and its blue waters would boil red with the blood of soldiers, sailors and the innocents of both sides for a century of unresolved conflict as the Cross struggled for dominance with the Crescent. This was the time of the...
Sword against scimitar at sea The expulsion of the Moors from Iberia following the victory of the Catholic monarchs King Ferdinand of Castile and ...
Sword against scimitar at sea The expulsion of the Moors from Iberia following the victory of the Catholic monarchs King Ferdinand of Castile and Queen Isabella of Aragon in 1492 heralded a new age. Now there was a clear line between the Christian European world and the Orient of Islam. The void that separated these perpetually warring cultures was the Mediterranean Sea and its blue waters would boil red with the blood of soldiers, sailors and the innocents of both sides for a century of unresolved conflict as the Cross struggled for dominance with the Crescent. This was the time of the...
Sword against scimitar at sea The expulsion of the Moors from Iberia following the victory of the Catholic monarchs King Ferdinand of Castile and ...