Button is a happy, little caterpillar living high in the top of a sycamore tree. From his home Button enjoys gazing down at God's beautiful creation all around him. "Oh what fun it would be to walk among the flowers and fly among the clouds" he dreams. Sadly, he remembers that he's just a little caterpillar who will never be able to do such wonderful things.
Button isn't aware that God has big plans for him-until he hears His voice: "It's time for you to build your cocoon," the Lord says. "This will be a nice, new home that will wrap around you like a warm blanket. You will stay in...
Button is a happy, little caterpillar living high in the top of a sycamore tree. From his home Button enjoys gazing down at God's beautiful creatio...
Button is a happy, little caterpillar living high in the top of a sycamore tree. From his home Button enjoys gazing down at God's beautiful creation all around him. "Oh what fun it would be to walk among the flowers and fly among the clouds" he dreams. Sadly, he remembers that he's just a little caterpillar who will never be able to do such wonderful things.
Button isn't aware that God has big plans for him-until he hears His voice: "It's time for you to build your cocoon," the Lord says. "This will be a nice, new home that will wrap around you like a warm blanket. You will stay in...
Button is a happy, little caterpillar living high in the top of a sycamore tree. From his home Button enjoys gazing down at God's beautiful creatio...