Searching For Light follows the journey of a young, determined mermaid named Luz, who is challenged by Pokey the Pelican to find a precious gem at the bottom of the ocean. If she succeeds, she will solve Earth's problem of division and separation. During her journey, Luz is humbled, faces her ego, and ultimately surrenders her desire to win (thus, winning). Her own reflection guides her to live truthfully with how she feels. This book teaches the positive character building blocks of humility, honesty, and gratitude.
Searching For Light follows the journey of a young, determined mermaid named Luz, who is challenged by Pokey the Pelican to find a precious gem at the...
Yama lives on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. She loves the ocean, and walks the Waikiki Beach with her rescue animal friends every morning. Today is a big day for Yama as she is competing in the Sunset Beach Surf Contest On her way to compete, she sees a distressed dolphin trapped in fisherman's net. Yama rushes to help free the dolphin, knowing that she could be disqualified for being late. Aided by a Zumba-loving Pincher Crab, Neha is freed from the net. Grateful for Yama's kindness, she returns the favor by escorting her to the Surf Contest along the North Shore of Oahu, just in the knick...
Yama lives on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. She loves the ocean, and walks the Waikiki Beach with her rescue animal friends every morning. Today is a b...