Special Offer: KWR Drinking Water Treatment Set - Buy all five books together and save a total 119 Safe drinking water is a basic need for all human beings. Preventing microbial contamination of drinking water is of primary concern since endemic illness and outbreaks of infectious diseases can have significant social and economic consequences. Confirming absence of indicators of faecal contamination by water analysis only provides a limited verification of safety. By measuring pathogenic organisms in source water and modelling their reduction by treatment, a higher level of drinking...
Special Offer: KWR Drinking Water Treatment Set - Buy all five books together and save a total 119 Safe drinking water is a basic need for all h...
Wim A. M. Hijnen Gertjan J. Medema Patrick W. M. H. Smeets
Special Offer: KWR Drinking Water Treatment Set Buy all five books together and save a total of 105 (Total price when bought separately 397.00). Special offer price: 292.00 Includes:
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Drinking Water Treatment - Bas Wols, October 2011
Quantitative Methods to Assess Capacity of Water Treatment to Eliminate Micro-Organisms - Wim Hijnen, December 2010
Stochastic Modelling of Drinking Water Treatment in Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment - Patrick WMH Smeets, December 2010
Discolouration in Drinking Water Systems...
Special Offer: KWR Drinking Water Treatment Set Buy all five books together and save a total of 105 (Total price when bought separately 397.00)....