Heaven's Angels Author, Carrie Magalski and world-renowned angel artist, Dona Gelsinger, present an exciting glimpse into the world of angels. Based on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas' best-known work, The Summa Theologica, this book will express these foundational truths of the angelic choirs in a visual and compelling way for all readers to understand. Archangel Uriel, who is referenced in the apocryphal texts of the Bible and revered in early and modern Eastern Christianity, takes the reader on this journey through creation, and explains the missions of the angelic choirs as they...
Heaven's Angels Author, Carrie Magalski and world-renowned angel artist, Dona Gelsinger, present an exciting glimpse into the world of angels. Based o...
Heaven's Angels Author, Carrie Magalski and world-renowned angel artist, Dona Gelsinger, present an exciting glimpse into the world of angels. Based on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas' best-known work, The Summa Theologica, this book will express these foundational truths of the angelic choirs in a visual and compelling way for all readers to understand. Archangel Uriel, who is referenced in the apocryphal texts of the Bible and revered in early and modern Eastern Christianity, takes the reader on this journey through creation, and explains the missions of the angelic choirs as they...
Heaven's Angels Author, Carrie Magalski and world-renowned angel artist, Dona Gelsinger, present an exciting glimpse into the world of angels. Based o...