This novel is based on the massacre by the SS of a small town in France during World War II, called Oradour-sur-Glane. Some of the perpetrators were French citizens - Alsatians drafted into the SS. They were put on trial in 1953 for taking part - under duress, it was claimed - in the horrendous killings and destruction of that peaceful village. Upon the order of President Charles de Gaulle, the town was kept as the Nazis had left it and is a national monument. Professor Eugene Desfosseux, a historian and self-taught ventriloquist, conjures amid the ruins figures from deep into his past and...
This novel is based on the massacre by the SS of a small town in France during World War II, called Oradour-sur-Glane. Some of the perpetrators were F...
Neil Rolde's biography of Breckinridge Long exposed the tragic reality that the U.S. appointed the wrong man for the job. Ninety percent of the quota places available to immigrants from countries under German and Italian control were never filled. In 1944 President Roosevelt established the War Refugee Board with Executive Order 9417 that declared: "It is the policy of this Government to take all measures within its power to rescue the victims of enemy oppression who are in imminent danger of death and otherwise to afford such victims all possible relief and assistance consistent with the...
Neil Rolde's biography of Breckinridge Long exposed the tragic reality that the U.S. appointed the wrong man for the job. Ninety percent of the quo...