The Silly Chicken is a delightful and humorous tale about a chicken who learns to speak as we do - with surprising and unexpected consequences. The events that follow intrigue young children and, and at the same time, alert them in a very amusing way to the dangers of being too quick to believe everything you hear.
This is illustrator/animator Jeff Jackson's first children's book. It expresses his unique ability to create a lively and amusing world, rich in color and in which anything can happen.
Este es un encantador cuento de un pollo que aprende a hablar como...
The Silly Chicken is a delightful and humorous tale about a chicken who learns to speak as we do - with surprising and unexpected consequences. The...
On the day a boy is born, his parents receive a visit from a wise man who says, "This is a very, very important boy, and I'm going to give him something marvelous one day, but I will have to give him his name first. So please don't give him a name yet." The story tells how the boy seeks and eventually finds his own name - and also discards and an old dream he doesn't want for a wonderful new dream.
This book is one of a series of illustrated Teaching-Stories by Idries Shah which have captivated hearts and minds for more than a thousand years. Among the many insights this story gives...
On the day a boy is born, his parents receive a visit from a wise man who says, "This is a very, very important boy, and I'm going to give him some...