While trying to free a lawyer friend convicted of a crime he didnt commit, New Orleans private investigator Luke Jacobs is drawn into an international web of real estate fraud, pharmaceutical corporation misdealing and murder. Mardi Gras may have to be put on hold.
While trying to free a lawyer friend convicted of a crime he didnt commit, New Orleans private investigator Luke Jacobs is drawn into an international...
New Orleans' private detective Luke Jacobs doesn't take too well to murders happening around him. He's been on a solid run of assisting local police with cases and maintains a strong reputation of doing good work. However, when a few bodies turn up in an area adjacent to his office and the post Katrina setting is still a disrupted mess, things get personal. Luke is juggling a mixture of activities and has a recurrent dream of 19th century Southern struggles which keep playing in his consciousness. With all that's going on in the Crescent City, he has to cross a high wire and do a balancing...
New Orleans' private detective Luke Jacobs doesn't take too well to murders happening around him. He's been on a solid run of assisting local police w...
One night a murder takes place in New Orleans at a French Quarter jazz club. During the investigation, private investigator Luke Jacobs, a former Assistant District Attorney, recognizes that something is not right at the crime scene, which leads to an unusual weapon. Even the 'victim' is a mystery until a credit card receipt, rare coin and wine bottle make way into the story.
One night a murder takes place in New Orleans at a French Quarter jazz club. During the investigation, private investigator Luke Jacobs, a former Assi...
Griffin the Dragon is back. He now enjoys another fun Saturday morning with best buddies Jackson the Hyena and 10 year old boy Cattails. They learn the very exciting and educational game of strategy, chess.
Griffin the Dragon is back. He now enjoys another fun Saturday morning with best buddies Jackson the Hyena and 10 year old boy Cattails. They learn...