This compilation brings together all the relevant procedural norms and standards applicable to criminal processes, whether national, regional, or international. The instruments are systematically arranged, and the category listing is in chronological order. The procedural instruments are exhaustive, providing the reader with a single comprehensive source for all these norms and standards. Published under the Transnational Publishers imprint.
This compilation brings together all the relevant procedural norms and standards applicable to criminal processes, whether national, regional, or inte...
With globalization, state priorities concerning human rights and international criminal justice have subtly changed. This is particularly evident in the enhanced concerns of states with issues of national security, as they are perceived in so many different ways. At the same time, states' ability to govern and deliver public services are increasingly being challenged. Science and technology dominate the present state of globalization, having increased human interdependence and interconnectedness, but with paradoxical positive and negative effects and outcomes. They enhance the power and...
With globalization, state priorities concerning human rights and international criminal justice have subtly changed. This is particularly evident in t...
This book is about the Egyptian people's 2011 Revolution for freedom, justice, and human dignity, and its aftermath. The Revolution succeeded in toppling the authoritarian Mubarak regime in less than three weeks. It was then co-opted by the Muslim Brotherhood through Egypt's first free and fair elections in 2012, which was in turn crushed in 2013 by a popularly supported military regime whose practices of repression negatively impacted the justice system and human rights. The problems facing the country and its people are daunting, particularly economic, demographic, and social pressures. The...
This book is about the Egyptian people's 2011 Revolution for freedom, justice, and human dignity, and its aftermath. The Revolution succeeded in toppl...
Following World War Two, the progress towards international accountability and international criminal justice came to a halt as a result of the Cold War. But only three years since the end of the Cold War and forty-five years after the post-WWII prosecutions, the international community was forced to face the ethnic tensions and civil war tearing apart the republics that once comprised the former Yugoslavia. United Nations Security Council Resolution 780 (1992), appointed a Commission of Experts to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity amounting to violations of international...
Following World War Two, the progress towards international accountability and international criminal justice came to a halt as a result of the Cold W...