The sequel to 'A Mermie's Life'...6 years along in life's journey. More...of a Mermie's Life depicts in poetry the turbulent travels of one spirits quest for enlightenment and it's host's quest for a blis peaceful, and meaningful existence.
The sequel to 'A Mermie's Life'...6 years along in life's journey. More...of a Mermie's Life depicts in poetry the turbulent travels of one spirits qu...
Clementine Harper is 12 and learning to tap dance at Madame Pearl's Stage School in Finchley when war breaks out. As the air raids start to hit London, she and her two younger brothers, Ronnie and Ernie, are evacuated. Arriving in a tiny Devon village, they're sent to live with an eccentric widow who lives in a drafty mansion in the middle of wintry woods. Clementine is thrilled to meet another fi sh out of water - Giesele, a sophisticated Jewish girl, who has escaped from Nazi Germany and they become soul mates immediately. Giesele's parents are still in hiding in Berlin and her sister Klara...
Clementine Harper is 12 and learning to tap dance at Madame Pearl's Stage School in Finchley when war breaks out. As the air raids start to hit London...