Rawk is one of the great Heroes. He has travelled the world for forty years, hunting exotic creatures, battling magic and fighting evil wherever he found it. But he has been fighting mostly mundane battles since Prince Weaver outlawed magic. And with no great deeds left to be done, Rawk is afraid he'll soon be the old man in the corner of the tavern, dreaming of the good old days and telling tales for anyone who will buy him a drink. But when a huge wolden wolf is spied from the walls of Katamood for the first time in a decade, Rawk is the man the city looks to once more. He'll save them. He...
Rawk is one of the great Heroes. He has travelled the world for forty years, hunting exotic creatures, battling magic and fighting evil wherever he fo...
The Skyway Men have ruled the underworld of the skylands for centuries-- killing, stealing and doing whatever it takes of increase their wealth and power. Pistols, money and fear are their weapons of choice. After a decade exiled to a small piece of farmland that flies the quietest windlanes, Kade is thrust back into the world of death, corruption, shady deals and dirty deeds. But it's just like old times. He doesn't know who to trust. He doesn't know who's on which side. He doesn't even know which side he's on any more. All Kade knows for sure is that murder and mayhem aren't what they used...
The Skyway Men have ruled the underworld of the skylands for centuries-- killing, stealing and doing whatever it takes of increase their wealth and po...