Humanity's time is done. Wraeththu's time has begun. Independent, isolationist and protected by the geography and legends surrounding the Rift of the Damned, the hara of the Gold Country live off what they can salvage from the sunken cities and abandoned towns. While hara of tribes elsewhere awaken to their newfound abilities, learn their bodies and discover new gods, the har-men of the Gold Country cling to the old, familiar ways of the human era. Even before they were har, the folks of Cinder Hill fought against the tides of an ever-changing world, cursing the laws and politicians that...
Humanity's time is done. Wraeththu's time has begun. Independent, isolationist and protected by the geography and legends surrounding the Rift of the ...
Humanity's time is done. Wraeththu's time has begun.
Even before some were turned from human to har, the folks of the Gold Country, in the continent now known as Megalithica, fought against the tides of an ever-changing world, cursing the laws and politicians that killed every industry except for tourism. Even before the machine mind rose to create an army of drones set to purge Wraeththu hara from the Hollow Hills, there was fight and resistance in the tribes of the Gold Country.
But the land is quiet now. The war drones of humanity's last stab at the heart of harakind lie...
Humanity's time is done. Wraeththu's time has begun.
Even before some were turned from human to har, the folks of the Gold Country, in the co...