La Pandilla Hoppity Floppity son dulces pequenas criaturas llamadas Mitras. Estos pequenos bebes Mitras tiene muchas aventuras y aprender lecciones importantes en el camino. La primera historia es sobre Rossi, quien decide que el llanto es para los bebes, por lo que no va a llorar mas Esto da lugar a algunas situaciones interesantes ya que se le hace dificil mantener su decision."
La Pandilla Hoppity Floppity son dulces pequenas criaturas llamadas Mitras. Estos pequenos bebes Mitras tiene muchas aventuras y aprender lecciones im...
There's a new Mithra baby in the neighborhood, and Kiren wants to be her friend. But there's something different about her and because of that difference, the other Mithra babies don't want to be her friend. What will Kiren do? Will she snub the new Mithra because her friends have? Or will she follow her heart and be her friend anyway? Join the Hoppity Floppity Gang as they learn about friendship and acceptance.
There's a new Mithra baby in the neighborhood, and Kiren wants to be her friend. But there's something different about her and because of that diff...