Selfless Self: Talks with Shri Ramakant Maharaj is a tangibly powerful life-transforming book that addresses the ultimate questions of "Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of existence"? Never before has Truth been revealed in such a simple and devastatingly piercing and direct way. Herein is a roadmap for Self-discovery that will, if followed, take the reader on a route to infinity, eternity and majesty, as yet unknown to the seeker. It is a One way-ticket with no return, no way back, unless of course you are happy to enter another dream. This book reveals the story of...
Selfless Self: Talks with Shri Ramakant Maharaj is a tangibly powerful life-transforming book that addresses the ultimate questions of "Wh...
Spontaneous, direct knowledge from Self-Realized Master, Shri Ramakant Maharaj, a direct disciple of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, (from 1962 till 1981). 'Selfless Self: Talks With Shri Ramakant Maharaj' is a tangibly powerful, life-transforming book that addresses the ultimate questions of "Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of existence?" A 'Direct Way' companion to 'I AM THAT' of Nisargadatta Maharaj renown, page after page, this book hits you straight between the eyes. Never before has truth been revealed in such a simple and devastatingly piercing and direct way. Herein is a...
Spontaneous, direct knowledge from Self-Realized Master, Shri Ramakant Maharaj, a direct disciple of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, (from 1962 till 198...
'LE SOI SANS RIEN' est un compagnon de 'JE SUIS'. Shri Ramakant Maharaj est un MaItre REalisE Vivant qui est restE avec son MaItre Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj depuis 1962 jusqu'A son Mahasamadhi en 1981. Ce livre, d'une puissance tangible, transformeur de vie, pose les Questions Ultimes: "Qui suis-je ? Pourquoi suis-je ici ? Quel est le but de l'existence?" Jamais avant, l'Ultime VEritE n'a EtE rEvElEe d'une faCon si simple et si perCante, par une Approche Directe. A l'intErieur de ce livre, vous trouverez expliquE dans les moindres dEtails le parcours initiatique de la DEcouverte de Soi qui...
'LE SOI SANS RIEN' est un compagnon de 'JE SUIS'. Shri Ramakant Maharaj est un MaItre REalisE Vivant qui est restE avec son MaItre Shri Nisargadatt...
Un libro de citas espontAneas del Maestro Realizado, Sri Ramakant Maharaj, discIpulo directo (desde 1962) de Nisargadatta Maharaj. 218 pAginas. Las gotas de nectar provenientes de este Maestro excepcional tienen el poder de despertar y transformar a aquellos que llevan a cabo su bUsqueda espiritual. 'Estar Contigo' es un libro de bolsillo de inmensa importancia. Son enseNanzas espontAneas emanadas del Maestro Auto-Realizado Shri Ramakant Maharaj quien conociO a su Maestro, el legendario Nisargadatta, en 1962. 'Estar Contigo' es un libro Unico lleno de pequeNas joyas sobre la verdad...
Un libro de citas espontAneas del Maestro Realizado, Sri Ramakant Maharaj, discIpulo directo (desde 1962) de Nisargadatta Maharaj. 218 pAginas. Las...
This book, Selfless Self, has been published in response to demand for an edition in "normal text" format, free of capitals, and with no bold fonts. It offers a continuous flow for fresh absorption. The content is the same as the earlier edition. Sri Ramakant Maharaj was with his Master Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj from 1962. Selfless Self is a companion to 'I AM THAT'. This tangibly powerful, life-transforming book addresses the ultimate questions of "Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of existence?" Never before has truth been revealed in such a simple, piercing and Direct Way....
This book, Selfless Self, has been published in response to demand for an edition in "normal text" format, free of capitals, and with no bold fonts...
'Soyez Avec Vous - REalitE sans PensEe' est un livre au format de poche (218 pages) contenant les "citations spontanEes" du MaItre REalisE Shri Ramakant Maharaj - disciple direct pendant dix-neuf ans (depuis 1962) de Nisargadatta Maharaj. Ces pEpites d'or puissantes sont conCues pour Eveiller le lecteur A sa Vraie Nature qui est l'Ultime REalitE. Les principales caractEristique de ce petit livre sont: un Enseignements Direct - le raccourci le plus saisissant vers la REalisation de Soi - la possession d'un "MaItre REalisE Portable" disponible A tout moment. Le MaItre parle de votre REalitE....
'Soyez Avec Vous - REalitE sans PensEe' est un livre au format de poche (218 pages) contenant les "citations spontanEes" du MaItre REalisE Shri Ram...