A war torn Ethiopia and an America in the throes of social unrest provide the backdrop for a poignant story of loss, famine, war, faith and love. Guided by spirit elephants, haunted by hyena-men, The Lion of Djibouti is the quest of two brothers to reunite across two continents after a brutal lion attack.
A war torn Ethiopia and an America in the throes of social unrest provide the backdrop for a poignant story of loss, famine, war, faith and love. Guid...
March of the Green Beetles, the fast-paced, action-filled sequel to The Lion of Djibouti, is the tale of two cities--two worlds--linked by the past, the present and the future. Drugs, ivory, warlords, slavery, gang wars, rebellion and organized crime are the threads that bind the port cities of Djibouti and Newark, NJ to the same fate.
Can the mystical power of old Africa overcome the brutal savagery threatening her very existence? Can a reform-minded politician make a difference in a city controlled by violence and drug lords? Will a radical member of a crime syndicate succeed in...
March of the Green Beetles, the fast-paced, action-filled sequel to The Lion of Djibouti, is the tale of two cities--two worlds--linked by the past...