Granting rebates to a customer or refusing to supply a competitor are examples of ordinary commercial practices, which become 'abusive' under Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) when carried out by 'dominant' firms. This topical book provides an up-to-date account of the emerging trends in the enforcement and interpretation of this provision at both the EU and national level.
Granting rebates to a customer or refusing to supply a competitor are examples of ordinary commercial practices, which become 'abusive' under Article ...
During the past decade, the use of private enforcement within competition law has gradually increased throughout Europe but major differences still exist among Member States. By harmonizing a number of procedural rules, the implementation of the Damages Directive has established a level playing field among EU Member States. This book represents the first assessment of the implementation of the Damages Directive at the national level. The contributors explore the topic from a cross-cutting perspective as well as via a set of country case studies. Each chapter focuses on a number of...
During the past decade, the use of private enforcement within competition law has gradually increased throughout Europe but major differences still ex...
Recent years have seen significant evolution in the European Commission's approach to State aid policy. This thought-provoking book analyses the enforcement of State Aid law in the aftermath of the State aid Modernization initiative, identifying a number of emerging trends at both national and EU level. Eminent scholars unpack the recent developments that have contributed to the decentralization of the enforcement of State Aid law, including the General Block Exemption Regulation which allows a larger number of aid schemes to be implemented by national authorities without prior...
Recent years have seen significant evolution in the European Commission's approach to State aid policy. This thought-provoking book analyses the enfor...
This insightful book assesses emerging trends in the role of economic analysis in EU competition policy, exploring how it has substantially increased in terms of both theories and methods. Expert contributors examine the jurisprudence of the EU Court of Justice, which has become more supportive of effect-based analysis in EU competition policy. Chapters consider key topics including the role of economic analysis in relation to defining the relevant market, the challenges of competition policy enforcement in the telecom and digital markets, and economic methods to estimate damages in...
This insightful book assesses emerging trends in the role of economic analysis in EU competition policy, exploring how it has substantially increased ...