Continuamentenasconoifatti 1 aconfusionedelleteorie 2 Carlo Dossi Electromagnetism is withoutany doubt a fascinating area of physics, engineering and mathematics. Since the early pioneeringworks ofAmpere, Faraday, and Maxwell, the scienti?cliteratureon this subject has become immense, and books devoted to almost all of its aspects have been published in the meantime. However, webelievethatthereisstillsomeplacefornew booksdealingwithel- tromagnetism, particularly if they are focused on more speci?c models, or try to mix different levels of analysis: rigorous mathematical results, sound...
Continuamentenasconoifatti 1 aconfusionedelleteorie 2 Carlo Dossi Electromagnetism is withoutany doubt a fascinating area of physics, engineering and ...
Continuamentenasconoifatti 1 aconfusionedelleteorie 2 Carlo Dossi Electromagnetism is withoutany doubt a fascinating area of physics, engineering and mathematics. Since the early pioneeringworks ofAmpere, Faraday, and Maxwell, the scienti?cliteratureon this subject has become immense, and books devoted to almost all of its aspects have been published in the meantime. However, webelievethatthereisstillsomeplacefornew booksdealingwithel- tromagnetism, particularly if they are focused on more speci?c models, or try to mix different levels of analysis: rigorous mathematical results, sound...
Continuamentenasconoifatti 1 aconfusionedelleteorie 2 Carlo Dossi Electromagnetism is withoutany doubt a fascinating area of physics, engineering and ...