Style is a fundamental and ubiquitous aspect of the human experience: Everyone instantly and constantly assesses people and things according to their individual styles, academics establish careers by researching musical, artistic, or architectural styles, and entire industries maintain themselves by continuously creating and marketing new styles. Yet what exactly style is and how it works are elusive: We certainly know it when we see it, but there is no shared and clear understanding of the diverse phenomena that we call style. The Structure of Style explores this issue from a computational...
Style is a fundamental and ubiquitous aspect of the human experience: Everyone instantly and constantly assesses people and things according to their ...
Modern terrorist networks pose an unprecedented threat to international security. The question of how to neutralize that threat is complicated radically by their fluid, non-hierarchical structures, religious and ideological motivations, and predominantly non-territorial objectives. Governments and militaries are crafting new policies and doctrines to combat terror, but they desperately need new technologies to make these efforts effective.
This book collects a wide range of the most current computational research that addresses critical issues for countering terrorism, including:...
Modern terrorist networks pose an unprecedented threat to international security. The question of how to neutralize that threat is complicated radi...