In 2002, director Richard Linklater and a crew began filming the "Untitled 12-Year Project." He cast four actors (Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, Ellar Coltrane, and Lorelei Linklater) in the role of a family and filmed them each year over the next dozen years. Supported by IFC Productions, Linklater, cast, and crew began the commitment of a lifetime that became the film, Boyhood. Seen through the eyes of a young boy in Texas, Boyhood unfolds as the characters--and actors--age and evolve, the boy growing from a soft-faced child into a young man on the brink of his...
In 2002, director Richard Linklater and a crew began filming the "Untitled 12-Year Project." He cast four actors (Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, E...