Philip S Yu (University of Illinois at C Jiawei Han (University of Illinois at Ur Christos Faloutsos
With the recent ?ourishing research activities on Web search and mining, social networkanalysis, informationnetworkanalysis, informationretrieval, linkana- sis, andstructuraldatamining, researchonlinkmininghasbeenrapidlygrowing, forminganew?eldofdatamining. Traditionaldataminingfocuseson ?at or isolated datainwhicheachdata objectisrepresentedasanindependentattributevector. However, manyreal-world data sets are inter-connected, much richer in structure, involving objects of h- erogeneoustypesandcomplexlinks. Hence, thestudyoflinkminingwillhavea...
With the recent ?ourishing research activities on Web search and mining, social networkanalysis, informationnetworkanalysis, informationretrieval, lin...