The contributions in this volume are devoted to various aspects of the internal and external syntax of DPs in a wide variety of languages belonging to the Slavic, Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Semitic and Germanic language families. In particular, the papers address questions related to the internal and external cartography of various types of simplex and complex DPs: the position of DPs within larger structures, agreement in phi-features and/or case between DPs and their predicates, as well as between sub-elements of DPs, and/or the assignment of case to DPs in specific configurations. The...
The contributions in this volume are devoted to various aspects of the internal and external syntax of DPs in a wide variety of languages belonging to...
The papers collected in this volume explore and the major mechanisms, that is derivations and constraints, claimed to be responsible for various aspects of the linguistic systems, their syntax, phonology and morphology. The contributors approach these issues through a detailed analysis of selected phenomena of Modern English, Old English, Polish, Russian, Hungarian and Icelandic, offering novel theoretical and descriptive insights into the working of human language.
The papers collected in this volume explore and the major mechanisms, that is derivations and constraints, claimed to be responsible for various aspec...