Questo libro vi insegnera come raggiungere rapidamente il vostro peso forma e mantenerlo per sempre in modo naturale, usando il buon senso e soprattutto senza diete. Dopo una breve carrellata sulle diete piu in voga e sui problemi collegati al loro uso, sarete guidati attraverso un percorso di conoscenza dei segreti del vostro fisico e della vostra mente. Vi verra svelato un metodo semplice e pratico per migliorare il vostro rapporto con l'alimentazione. Dopo un esempio concreto di applicazione del metodo vi verranno presentati alcuni concetti chiave che potranno aiutarvi a raggiungere piu...
Questo libro vi insegnera come raggiungere rapidamente il vostro peso forma e mantenerlo per sempre in modo naturale, usando il buon senso e soprattut...
Accessing remote instrumentation worldwide is one of the goals of e-Science. The task of enabling the execution of complex experiments that involve the use of distributed scientific instruments must be supported by a number of different architectural domains, which inter-work in a coordinated fashion to provide the necessary functionality. These domains embrace the physical instruments, the communication network interconnecting the distributed systems, the service oriented abstractions and their middleware. The Grid paradigm (or, more generally, the Service Oriented Architecture -- SOA),...
Accessing remote instrumentation worldwide is one of the goals of e-Science. The task of enabling the execution of complex experiments that involve...
The book focuses on all aspects related to the effective exploitation of remote instrumentation and to the building of complex virtual laboratories on top of real devices and infrastructures. These include service oriented architecture (SOA) and related middleware, high-speed networking in support of Grid applications, wireless Grids for acquisition devices and sensor networks, Quality Service (QoS) provisioning for real-time control, measurement instrumentation and methodology, as well as metrology issues in distributed systems.
The book focuses on all aspects related to the effective exploitation of remote instrumentation and to the building of complex virtual laboratories on...