There is a charm to Frank's writing style that comes of English not being his first language and he makes no pretence of having any formal scientific training so don't expect technical jargon. The advice he offers, however, aligns neatly with current academic thinking regarding 'force-free' training methods and the information he gives regarding care and diet is sound. While not everyone will agree with all of his suggestions, I'm sure old hands and new comers to the world of bird keeping alike will enjoy his stories and learn from them as they visit Frank, in his home, 'Living with a...
There is a charm to Frank's writing style that comes of English not being his first language and he makes no pretence of having any formal scientific ...
The touching story of a friendship between a man and a budgerigar who both suffered from a damaged left leg. About the Author At age 15, Frank Cachia came to Australia from Malta. He fell in love with Australia and made it his own. He visited each state by motorbike, always returning to Victoria. Budgerigars, photography and motorcycling have always been his first love. He is the author of the 'History of the BMW Motorcycle Club of Victoria.'
The touching story of a friendship between a man and a budgerigar who both suffered from a damaged left leg. About the Author At age 15, Frank Cachia ...