Anything framed goes down with the falling frames. The content, significant up to the point of the fall, loses its relevance or even existence to the collapse of the frames. If, however, frames are considered as boundaries, the Falling Frames allude to the freedom that comes with the fall and are therefore rebellious to the point of their own existence. Best Consumed in Contemporary Moonlight is the first in two book series Poetry of Falling Frames by Daniel Buinac. The awarded poet in this book prepares the Scenery for the fall and tells the Story before paying Tribute to Fragments after the...
Anything framed goes down with the falling frames. The content, significant up to the point of the fall, loses its relevance or even existence to the ...
Anything that was framed goes down with the falling frames. The content, significant up to the point of the fall, loses its relevance or even existence to the collapse of the frames. If, however, frames are considered as boundaries, the Falling Frames allude to the freedom that comes with the fall and are therefore rebellious to the point of their own existence.
Leaning Walls is the second in two book series Poetry of Falling Frames by Daniel Buinac. In Angled Reflections and Aftertaste, the awarded poet enfolds painted scene of Falling Frames with atmosphere and sentiment of the lifelong...
Anything that was framed goes down with the falling frames. The content, significant up to the point of the fall, loses its relevance or even existenc...
Daniel Buinac's first book of poetry for which he was awarded Serbian national award Pegaz. Prva knjiga poezije Buinac Daniela za koju je nagradjen nagradom Pegaz Knjizevne omladine Srbije 1995. godine.
Daniel Buinac's first book of poetry for which he was awarded Serbian national award Pegaz. Prva knjiga poezije Buinac Daniela za koju je nagradjen na...
The third book of poetry by awarded author Daniel Buinac. Zbirka pesama Lutanja je treca knjiga nagradjivanog autora Buinac Daniela. Posle Kratkog podsecanja na nit i Dovoljnog odstojanja, u ovoj knjizi autor opeva zaludno iscekivanje povratka.
The third book of poetry by awarded author Daniel Buinac. Zbirka pesama Lutanja je treca knjiga nagradjivanog autora Buinac Daniela. Posle Kratkog pod...
The second book of poetry by Daniel Buinac is an unframed photo of initial years of his self-imposed exile. Dovoljno odstojanje je druga zbirka poezije nagrađivanog autora, neuramljena fotografija njegovih prvih godina dobrovoljnog egzila.
The second book of poetry by Daniel Buinac is an unframed photo of initial years of his self-imposed exile. Dovoljno odstojanje je druga zbirka poezij...