A story of action, adventure, and young love is set against the backdrop of a time of great change, as the "peace and love" era of the 1960s gives way to the "freedom revolution" of the 1970s.
Sex and drugs and rock and roll? Sure. That and so much more. So much to learn and so fast: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Five teens set adrift in that era experience and absorb everything life throws at them as they traverse that difficult bridge that will take them from mid-teens to young adults. Its a story todays teens will find fascinating, and somewhat confronting to think that their parents...
A story of action, adventure, and young love is set against the backdrop of a time of great change, as the "peace and love" era of the 1960s gives way...
Action, tick. Adventure, tick. Romance, tick. Triumph, tick. Tragedy, tick. All those one-night stands, the seemingly endless days on the road were about to pay off. Fame and fortune was tantalizingly within reach. Everything fortune-teller Gypsy Rose predicted thus far had come true. Would her final predictions play out just as she'd said? And if they did, what would that mean for Jordie and Jess? There was no doubt the band Constellation J was on the cusp of something amazing. But would all they'd achieved thus far be blown away? Jess has gone off the rails somewhat, she'd let an abundance...
Action, tick. Adventure, tick. Romance, tick. Triumph, tick. Tragedy, tick. All those one-night stands, the seemingly endless days on the road were ab...