Introducing the 2nd installment of the "3 Years Later" series following the causes, effects, and aftermath of a high school massacre in the small town of Stillwater. This next book follows the grim tale of our downtrodden bully, JJ Douglas. There are always reasons behind every action, whether good, or evil, or somewhere strangely in between. Climb inside the mind of a self proclaimed "bad guy" as he reveals his dirty secrets of deceit and destruction as his world and his soul crumbles around him.
Introducing the 2nd installment of the "3 Years Later" series following the causes, effects, and aftermath of a high school massacre in the small town...
""Sometimes...the only way to move forward is to stop looking back..."" Life is about moving forward, getting up, and being able to keep going each day. For Joanna Fairley, thats easier said than done...because shes dead. Caught between her tragic past and the destiny that awaits her, Joanna must make a choice between letting go and holding on. There are no second chances in death, and Heaven isnt for starting over. It isnt a vacation. Its not a paradise. Its redemption. The third installment of the 3 Years Later series brings about a new perspective on the concept of life after death, what...
""Sometimes...the only way to move forward is to stop looking back..."" Life is about moving forward, getting up, and being able to keep going eac...