A Modern Life is a collection of thirteen short stories for time-pressed readers. A reflection on the challenges of living in the twenty-first century, A Modern Life covers a multitude of contemporary themes and styles and are categorised as "sweet" for the lighter stories, "salty" for the serious ones and "sweet and salty" for those with a mixture of humour and pathos. The collection opens with five humorous stories all featuring strong elements of slapstick comedy. The introductory story "Pork Chops and Promiscuity," a tale of lesbian lust, sets the precedent for the remaining four...
A Modern Life is a collection of thirteen short stories for time-pressed readers. A reflection on the challenges of living in the twenty-first cent...
"Today, I am in the changing room of my life and tomorrow, win or lose, I'll move forward a stronger and wiser woman." Sandy Lovett's confused mother and chaotic life are having an effect on her waistline. She knows she needs to change her life but doesn't know how until she buys a risquE dress which sets in motion a sequence of life-changing events. After years as a mother, carer and full-time employee, Sandy quits her job and places her mother in a care home, and life seems on the up. But disaster is never far away for the hapless Sandy as her mother's obsessions continue to wreak havoc...
"Today, I am in the changing room of my life and tomorrow, win or lose, I'll move forward a stronger and wiser woman." Sandy Lovett's confused moth...