Every night for seven years, Brian and Tracy Heasley walked and prayed through Ibiza's streets, chatting to clubbers, caring for those in danger, helping them home, befriending bar owners and prostitutes. Their remarkable story will inspire you to persist in prayer, giving practical and creative ways to show God's love in your own community.
Every night for seven years, Brian and Tracy Heasley walked and prayed through Ibiza's streets, chatting to clubbers, caring for those in danger, help...
Encouragement, practical advice and survival strategies to help you to fight back against life-changing illness, reclaim your life, live well and serve effectively. As Emily's lovely gentle humour is enlivened by David McNeill's brilliant cartoons, you will find fresh ways to view your situation and be cheered to learn you are not alone.
Encouragement, practical advice and survival strategies to help you to fight back against life-changing illness, reclaim your life, live well and serv...