The story revolves around a young Malay Muslim professional named Zulkifli who begins to know the meaning of true love after entering the working world in the 1980s. In the midst of his blooming love relationship with a young Malay woman, Zulkifli also starts to experience a deep affection for his own mother, who has cared and provided him with her undying love, as well as Prophet Muhammad and the Muslim community. Will Zulkifli succeed in his endeavour to care and share his love for these people? How should Zulkifli handle them all? How does he understand these things that happened around...
The story revolves around a young Malay Muslim professional named Zulkifli who begins to know the meaning of true love after entering the working worl...
The story revolves around a young Malay Muslim professional named Zulkifli who begins to know the meaning of true love after entering the working world in the 1980s. In the midst of his blooming love relationship with a young Malay woman, Zulkifli also starts to experience a deep affection for his own mother, who has cared and provided him with her undying love, as well as Prophet Muhammad and the Muslim community. Will Zulkifli succeed in his endeavour to care and share his love for these people? How should Zulkifli handle them all? How does he understand these things that happened around...
The story revolves around a young Malay Muslim professional named Zulkifli who begins to know the meaning of true love after entering the working worl...